About us

Future meets YOU! is a global initiative with the mission to empower the next generation with the skills they need to thrive in a complex world through creativity, music and art.

We humans have a unique capability: We can imagine things that weren’t previously there and take the steps to turn this into reality. The world we live in today is the result of many creative moments in the past, and those moments didn’t just happen in fine art, poetry or music. Whether it is great inventions like the wheel, the printing press or the internet or daily moments like solving maths challenges, creating a business strategy or developing a new product, creativity is part of everything we do.

Creativity helps us to envision novel solutions, approach challenges from fresh perspectives, and turn abstract ideas into tangible innovations. By nurturing creativity, we are equipping the next generation with a mindset that sees possibilities where others see obstacles, that embraces change instead of fearing it, and that is prepared to lead in uncharted territories.

Future meets YOU!” is about preparing the next generation to thrive and live their full potential in an increasingly complex world - It's about cultivating a resilience that comes from the confidence in one’s own creative abilities and about shaping a future where innovation and imagination are part of every young person’s toolbox.


Future meets YOU! Founders
Iliana Grosse-Buening & Ellina Perlin

Welcome to "Future meets YOU!" – a journey that started more than 25 years ago in the class of Marina Kheifets and Anna Yarovaya at the Subito Music School in Düsseldorf, Germany. It was there that we met and started our journey of making music together. The piano didn’t just shape the greater part of our childhoods - playing competitions and concerts all across the world - but also the women we became, the way we navigated our careers and subsequently founded our businesses and charities.

To us, it was always clear that our musical training was more than learning notes and playing concerts; it helped us cultivate skills that transcended the realm of music.

We live in a complex world that is rapidly changing and so are the skills that we will need to thrive in it, as individuals and communities. Our mission with Future meets YOU! is to pass on the gift we received and to enable the next generation to leverage the power of creativity, music and art to foster those very skills. We hope you join us on this mission so that together we can co-create a future where every human can live their full potential and thrive.



Our mission is to empower the next generation to…

Navigate a complex world with confidence, motivation and resilience.

Engage with the world intelligently and thoughtfully.

Build stronger, more meaningful relationships in both personal and professional spheres.

Leverage the power of technology in a responsible and sustainable way.

Contact us.
