Henry David Thoreau

"The world is but a canvas to our imagination."

Albert Einstein

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Pablo Picasso

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Image generated by the students at the Albert Einstein Gymnasium in Duesseldorf in our AI Creativity Workshop

What we do

Creativity & Digital Skills Workshops

"Future meets YOU!" offers a series of interactive workshops designed to enhance creative and digital competencies. These workshops include artistic expression, design thinking, and mindful engagement with digital media, aimed at developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and digital literacy.

Entrepreneurial skill development

Participants are encouraged to turn creative ideas into viable projects through practical exercises. This nurtures entrepreneurial thinking and prepares them for leadership roles in a rapidly changing world.

Mentoring & Networking Opportunities

"Future meets YOU!" provides mentoring programs and networking events to foster relationships between young talents and experienced professionals. We promote knowledge exchange and experience sharing to empower the participants' personal and professional growth.

Community & Social Engagement

The initiative actively involves local communities through collaborative projects that utilize creativity and technology to address social and cultural issues. This promotes social awareness and engagement among participants, positively impacting the community.

Resources & Tools

“Future meets YOU!” provides resources on various aspects of creativity and technology, allowing students to learn at their own pace and explore new areas of interest from anywhere in the world.

“AI and ME” Creativity Workshop at the Albert-Einstein Gymnasium in Duesseldorf

Together with the students from the Albert Einstein Gymnasium, we explored the impact of AI on human creativity.

Being creative…

  • Example: Sculpture making using recycled materials encourages thinking outside the box to transform everyday items into art, enhancing problem-solving abilities.

Creativity encourages innovative thinking to find unique solutions to complex challenges, essential for navigating future obstacles.

  • Example: Improvisational theater teaches quick thinking and adaptability by requiring performers to react and adapt to unexpected scenarios on stage.

Being creative means being able to adapt to new situations and quickly pivot strategies, a critical skill in a rapidly changing world.

  • Example: Photography hones visual storytelling and technique, requiring photographers to masterfully adjust focus, lighting, and framing to capture and convey powerful stories through images, seamlessly blending technical skill with creative vision.

Creativity drives curiosity, encouraging individuals to explore new ideas and ask questions.

  • Example: Learning a musical instrument encourages the continuous acquisition of new skills and knowledge, fostering a mindset of lifelong learning.

The pursuit of creative endeavors naturally leads to continuous learning, a key attribute in an ever-evolving knowledge economy.

  • Example: Solo singing fosters emotional intelligence and self-expression by requiring performers to interpret and convey the emotions of a song, adapting their vocal tone and dynamics to authentically connect with the audience.

Creativity often involves expressing emotions and understanding others’ perspectives, which enhances emotional intelligence.

  • Example: In the process of writing, especially when it involves research, writers must analyze the information they gather, discern its relevance, and synthesize it into their narratives. This process enhances their ability to critically assess and integrate information into a cohesive and engaging story.

Creative projects can help individuals articulate their thoughts and ideas more clearly and synthesise information effectively.

  • Example: Participating in art competitions or exhibitions builds resilience by learning to handle feedback and rejection, and to persist in refining one’s art.

The process of creating, facing critiques, and making adjustments builds resilience, teaching individuals to bounce back from setbacks.

  • Example: Creating podcasts cultivates research and storytelling skills by requiring creators to delve into topics and present it in an engaging narrative form.

Engaging in creative projects allows individuals to find and express their unique voice. By sharing their thoughts, experiences, and insights, they reinforce their sense of identity, which is crucial for self-esteem.

  • Example: Participating in a group mural project enhances teamwork skills, as participants must collaborate on design, share space, and blend individual artistic styles.

Many creative projects require teamwork, fostering collaboration skills and the ability to work effectively with diverse groups of people.

Let’s work together

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